Monday, October 11, 2010

Pumpkin patch

We are really enjoying the cooler temperatures and love this time of year.  We have been taking advantage of the beautiful days by going for long walks, sometimes twice a day, and sitting in the front yard on a blanket and playing with the dogs.  The cooler temperatures are great for Reagan, besides the obvious that it is just more enjoyable to not be hot.  Because of RS she is unable to regulate her body temperature very well.  She gets overheated very easily and will then cry inconsolably until I can find a way to cool her day, not that I am speaking from experience!  It was frustrating (probably more for her!) because I had no idea why she would start crying (it just started this summer, guess it's part of the great Regression stage) and of course didn't know what to do for her.  I came across another Rett Mom's blog about her daughter overheating and finally put it all together.  Point is, in the summer time we are very limited in our outdoor activities since Austin is known to have record number of days that are above 100 degrees with unforgiving humidity!

So, off to the local Pumpkin patch we went to enjoy the beautiful day and take some fun pictures!  I didn't get many smiles for the camera because Reagan was not that interested in smiling and Lauren was not so sure of all the pumpkins, they're scary ya' know!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this time of year!!! The pics are always!
