Sunday, March 28, 2010


Thanks to Rett Syndrome, Reagan lost the ability/desire to play independently with toys around the age of 10 - 12 months.  Now she'll usually walk over to a toy, gives it a glance or possibly even picks it up, then tosses it to the side and forgets about it.  I haven't seen her be engaged with a toy by herself in so long that I just kinda forgot it was possible.

However, on Friday she had a sudden interest in a new toy that lights up and sings music when you roll the ball on it or push a button.  She actually sat down in front of it and stay entertained by herself for a solid 5 minutes.  It was such a beautiful sight that I had to get pictures!  And to add to the joy, she sat criss-crossed all by herself as well, which she has been working on during her Physical therapy sessions.  Sitting in this position is difficult for her because it takes a lot of core strength.  She never ceases to amaze me :-)


  1. That is so awesome! Good job Reagan!!!! Let's beat Rett Syndrome!!!

  2. What an adorable little girl she is! We love you Reagan!

  3. Way to go, Reagan! Keep it up! Mom and Dad too, keep up the good, hard work!

  4. Go Reagan, GO! I'm not surprised at all. She's one of the strongest little girls I have EVER met. Her picture should be by DETERMINATION in the dictionary!

  5. Just shows what good genes will do!
