Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Around the time that Reagan was 18 months, I gave up on trying to color with her.  She didn't seem to enjoy it, quite the opposite actually, and we both would be frustrated or in tears before it was all over.  Looking back, how can I blame her for being so frustrated.  She wanted her little hands to be able to hold the crayons, she wanted to scribble on the paper like her cousin, but her body refused.  

This weekend I broke out those same colors for Lauren and pulled out Reagan's old art table that has been in a corner for at least a year.  I smiled so big when Lauren immediately took to scribbling.  Then I got sad again when I saw Reagan watching us, it seemed her eyes were curious about what we were doing and wanted to be included.  Of course she does and I need to start figuring out ways to make sure that happens more often.

I got out more paper and put her in the chair opposite of Lauren and we all colored together, me doing hand over hand for Reagan.  It was a perfect 30 minutes when it felt like everything was aligned.  The sun was shining outside, I could hear birds chirping, Lauren was alternating between tasting the crayons and scribbling on the table, and Reagan was smiling.  Life was good.  

We went outside later that day and I expected the usual from Reagan, ten minutes of tolerance followed by screaming to let me know she wanted to go back inside.  But instead she was happy and content to be outside with the family and the dogs, just enjoying the moment.  

I hope that we are seeing some of the happy and content Reagan return because we are no longer in the Regression stage of Rett Syndrome!


  1. Take that Rett syndrome, Reagan can have fun with her sister, you can't ruin everything! I just love love love this post!!!! We started Chloe with the same exact crayons, also the ones we tried to use with Claire. A word of advice, don't let Lauren loose in a doctors office naked with a pen, it will take forever to get the ink off her belly (I file this memory under things you don't know kids can do)I hope that you have many more 30 minute windows of happiness for your girls :-)

  2. I absolutely LOVE this post! Thank you for sharing it with us. Regan...YOU ROCK! (Mommy - you do too!) It is nice when we can have those "normal" moments in life, even it is only for a little while. i hope there are MANY MANY more moments JUST like this filled with smiles for everyone!

  3. What a touching story. It made me smile and also brought tears to my eyes! Love you all.

  4. Both of your girls are amazing little people! They are so blessed to have you as their Mommy! It does my heart good to hear these happy stories. Love ya! Playdate soon?....call me!

  5. Completely made my day! Thanks for sharing.
